Children’s Ministry

“Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

Children are a treasured part of our congregation and we welcome their participation with us in our services. We also see the importance of
providing them with a time of learning and worshipping God in an age appropriate setting. On Sunday mornings, kids spend the initial part of
the service participating in worship with the congregation before going downstairs for Sunday School immediately following the Children’s
Moment. At the end of their session, they rejoin the rest of the congregation for the closing song.

Children 0-4

  • Pre-School class is provided downstairs immediately following the singing, for the remainder of the service.
  • Parents are asked to give a cell phone number and leave their phone on vibrate during the service in case they need to be called to attend to their child’s needs.
  • There is also a nursery with a viewing window just outside the sanctuary, off the foyer for parents and children.

KIDS-Sunday School with teachers who have completed our mandatory Safe Ministry Training

Preschool Class

Grades K-4 class

Grades 5-7 class

  • Kids head downstairs after singing and will be prompted to leave,  by the Music Team leader
  • They will participation in a Bible lesson with interactive learning activities.
  • Bible lessons are currently taught using Group “Life of Jesus” curriculum. In Digging Into the Life of Jesus
  • Preschool and elementary students, walk in Jesus’ footsteps from birth to resurrection and ascension. They discover that Jesus is a real person—a real friend—who makes a difference in their lives today. 
  • Our leaders facilitate and support kids in learning how to love and care for our friends, the way God loves us.
  • Kids are dismissed from Sunday School in time to head upstairs to rejoin the congregation for the singing of the closing song.

Bible Summaries from the Bible Project.


Old Testament Summaries

New Testament Summaries